Thursday, April 07, 2005


I'm working with the Boundary group to present the Kane text. Of the chapters I've read in their entirety (admittedly only Pattern and Boundary) this is by far my favorite. It opens with an old Irish poem and then tells the story of "The Wooing of Etain". The chapter proper talks about the importance of the boundaries between the world of gods and mortals in all its various incarnations.

For the presentation we have decided to act out the wooing and then delve into the various aspects of boundary in the tale. It should be a rollicking good time.

I'm really interested to see what the other groups present, and I'd warn you all to take good notes as these presentationa are almost CERTAINLY what the final is going to be over- provided the test isn't cumulative. And even if it is, these will feature. Luckily, just like the classmate epic poems, these should stick in our memory even with out the aid of any kind of tangible theater.


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